Do you understand how solar energy works? Are you aware of the many benefits it has to offer you? If you have answered no to either questions, or perhaps even just one, keep reading. It is important that you start understanding what solar energy can do for you as a residential or commercial property owner.
Talk to your local government about doing any major solar installations in your home or business. You want to be properly permitted and within building, zoning and construction codes and regulations. However, you may also discover tax credits, rebates and other financial incentives. They may also have data and information about how well certain solar technologies work in your area.
Your home or business should receive at least five hours of direct sunlight per day to get the most from solar energy. Obviously more sun is better when it comes to solar panels, however if you get less than this solar energy can still be a viable option. If you are in an area where energy bills are sky high, solar might still save you money even if you don't have the optimal sun exposure.
Contact your insurance agent to find out if a solar energy system could be included in your insurance policy. Expect your homeowner's insurance premiums to go up once your system is installed and consider switching to a different insurance agency if you find that your premiums have become too expensive.
Each year, solar power is advancing. With the increase in popularity, the prices are more affordable than ever. Regardless of the size of the installation you want to use, there is something available that will fit your needs.
If after installing solar panels you find that you are producing more energy than you need, you can sell the extra energy that you produce back to the electric company. This method will help you recoup the cost of your solar energy system's installation and parts. Additionally, after you have recovered your costs, you will be making a profit.
Think about heating your hot tub or pool water with solar energy. These devices are some of the most energy consuming things that people have in their homes these days. If you use solar energy instead of standard energy to power these you could greatly reduce your carbon footprint and save money in the end.
Profiting from solar energy does necessary mean that you have to fit your home with unsightly panels. You can use passive solar energy to help reduce your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. Passive solar energy systems include trome walls, earth cooling tubes, air panels and a host of other alternative energy devices.
Do not fret if you live in an area where it is frequently overcast. Solar power does not necessarily require full sun all the time. The sun's radiation penetrates through the clouds and can energize the solar panels effectively. Before you give the idea, do your research and discuss your options with reputable solar energy companies.
Never install solar panels in a place that can easily be affected by storm debris. Solar panels are extremely sensitive, and because of this, should never be placed near trees or other tall structures that could cause damage to your panels if a strong storm were to hit the area.
If you are considering installing a solar panel system, it is important that the panel faces in the sun's direction. Although this seems obvious, you would be surprised how many people forget this step. If your panel does not have sun, it won't power up. If you live in the Northern hemisphere, your panel should face South towards the horizon.
When people talk about solar energy, they mainly think about the large panels installed on the roof of a home. These are popular, but they are not the only way to use the heat of the sun for power. Install attic fans in your roof. The heat from your attic causes the blades to spin and generate power.
When most people think about solar energy, they think that it has to cost a lot of money, but it doesn't. If you want to use solar energy, but you have a limited budget, you can install solar powered lights in your yard. This is a good way to save energy without spending more than you can afford.
If you enjoy spending time in the great outdoors, but love the convenience of energy, solar energy is the perfect solution for you. There are many products, like fans and battery chargers, that use solar energy to product the energy needed to run them. Just think, you could camp in a hot location and still enjoy a strong breeze.
If you have decided to install solar panels on your home, make sure that you purchase quality panels and have have a reputable company install them. Cheap panels will not produce as much energy and will not last as long as well made ones. A good installer will make sure your panels are situated properly on your site.
It is vital that the person who installs your solar power system is actually licensed to do so. An installer who is not licensed may install your solar panels incorrectly, or they may violate local regulations. In addition, a licensed installer can provide you with great information about these regulations that an unlicensed installer cannot.
The efficiency of a solar panel may be reduced by up to eighty percent if only a small shadow is cast across it. Therefore, it is imperative to situate your solar panels in an open space.
Solar energy is something in which lots of people are developing a keen interest. The fact remains, however, that many individuals need to acquire a bit more education before they jump in. With any luck, the tips and advice above have provided you with just the sort of start you needed to begin.